Thursday, November 1, 2012

I'm staying home these days , waiting for the work reply For my interview in KFH . so I'm just doing some routine stuff as practicing yoga, reading books and trying to catch what have been missed from my brother's study in his school due his delay in Egypt .
I've learned from teaching him that we are never old to learn by getting older, I'm revising my old information, clearing up the blurry ones when i was young and didn't  pay an attention to it, knowing newer information or even total new subjects .

I didn't have the chance for example to know how to write in English except some week-memorized subjects to pass the exams and to start our comprehension 5 shifted-letters from the beginning of the line ,that's embarrassing.
Total new subjects are added to mine as French language from it's beginning, grammar in it's clarification form and it's various tenses with these bunch of examples which could be a guidance to my messed up grammatically language and a support for my writing right now.
Despite that I've finished up my college studies and that I went through many organisms subjects but I have to admit that I missed some tiny-important-default details and I'm enjoying learning it right now .
Beside all of these benefits I think that if I didn't gain more than adding English vocabs to mine would be enough and satisfying to me .
Long story short, we aren't enough from learning more and more as we grow older because getting old is not about age ,it's about thought.

Monday, October 29, 2012

first one

My first blog

It's my first time with blog , I refuge to blog for purifying my exhausted soul of going through useless pages and comments in  facebook.
Mainly, I'm going to use blog for many reasons :
1. writing down my diaries .
2. comparing my future life to my current life.
3. throw out my inner thoughts and reveal my pains so it can be a perfect way for healing my soul and curing my heart's breaks.